China Town Hall
CHINA Town Hall connects leading China experts with Americans around the country for a national conversation on the implications of China’s rise on U.S.-China relations and its impact on our towns, states, and nation.
Join us for a webcast for the CHINA Town Hall keynote (6pm-8pm CST) on the forces that underpin the most important global issues of our time, and the critical roles of the United States and China in an era of monumental worldwide change. After the national conversation we will have a Q&A panel with local experts at Trinity University (7pm-8pm CST).
National China Town Hall Conversation
Former Ambassador to China, Russia, and Singapore Jon M. Huntsman Jr. was the featured speaker for CHINA Town Hall 2022, a national conversation on how the U.S.-China relationship affects our communities. From supply chains to national security, new technologies to climate change, the future of both countries will be determined by their relations with one another and the global community.
The National Committee held a nationwide virtual conversation on Wednesday, November 16 at 7:00 p.m. EST, including Q&A, with a leading authority on foreign policy. As one of few Americans to personally know Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin, Ambassador Huntsman discussed the ways America can cooperate and compete with China, as both countries confront the most critical issues of the 21st century.
If you park at Stadium Parking along Stadium Drive, just cross the crosswalk and go into the Coates Student Center and up the stairs to the Skyline Room at the end of the hallway.