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The Influence of International Exchange Programs on Diplomacy

  • 12 Jan 2021
  • 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  • Zoom Webinar

The Influence of International Exchange Programs on Diplomacy

A Talk by Ambassador Thomas R. Pickering

Introducing Ambassador Pickering will be Richard T. Arndt, 1949 Fulbright Scholar to France and founding member of the Fulbright Association.

Manfred Philipp will host the event and introduce Dr. Arndt.

This event is cosponsored by the Connecticut and National Capital Area Chapters of the Fulbright Association, by the Ralph Bunche Institute for International Studies at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, by the Belle Zeller Scholarship Trust Fund, the CUNY Academy for the Humanities and Sciences, and by the US Alumni Association of the German Academic Exchange Service.

The event will take place via Zoom on Tuesday, January 12 at 1 PM Central, 11 AM Pacific, 20:00 Central European Time.



 Ambassador Thomas Pickering

Ambassador Thomas R. Pickering served as the US Representative to the United Nations in New York under President George H.W. Bush. He led the U.S. effort to build a global coalition in the UN Security Council during and after the first Gulf War and was Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs under President Bill Clinton.

In a diplomatic career spanning five decades, Ambassador Pickering represented the US to the Russian Federation, India, Israel, El Salvador, Nigeria, and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. He also served in Zanzibar and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

He was Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Oceans, Environmental and Scientific Affairs, Executive Secretary of the Department of State, and Special Assistant to Secretaries of State William P. Rogers and Henry A. Kissinger.

His Fulbright Scholarship was to the University of Melbourne in Australia. The State Department has named its Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellowship Program in his honor. Pickering believes that these programs are a hidden asset to US diplomacy and diplomatic leadership.

Ambassador Pickering’s appointment as Career Ambassador is the highest in the U.S. Foreign Service and his Distinguished Service Award is the State Department’s highest award.

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