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Open House

  • 18 Sep 2018
  • 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
  • Finesilver Building, 816 Camaron St. Suite 2.15, San Antonio, TX 78212

Registration is closed

On Tuesday, September 18th, the World Affairs Council had the privilege of hosting our first Open House, commemorating the Council’s new office in the historic Finesilver Building just north of downtown.  Members of the Council, our board and several San Antonio dignitaries stopped by to congratulate us on the move and to discuss international affairs over drinks and hor d'oeuvres.  Signifying a new era for the World Affairs Council, we were honored to have several members of our board join us in a ceremonial ribbon cutting hosted by the San Antonio Hispanic Chamber. Thank you to everyone who was able to attend!

Our Mission

The mission of the World Affairs Council of San Antonio is to promote public understanding of world affairs and United States foreign policy, and to enhance the ability of its citizens and future leaders to participate in a global community. We accomplish our mission by presenting a lecture series, holding receptions, organizing discussion groups, sponsoring educational outreach programs, and hosting deliberative sessions for young professionals.

Call or Fax Us

Phone: 210.308.9494
Fax: 210.308.9497

World Affairs Council of San Antonio 84 NE Loop 410, Suite 119

San Antonio, TX 78216

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